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Match Identity for Payment Processing

Next Gen Payments: Speed, Savings & Expansion​

KOHO Listing - Success Stories
The Impact
Decrease in ​labor costs​
Decrease in manual reviews, from 930 to 430
Driving Growth​
Costs savings enabled new line of business focused on out-of-network 3rd party transfers​

Customer Challenge

Reducing manual review of payee information

Confused Client Scratching Head with Papers in Hand
Understanding the Threat

Delays to payments marred customer experience

  • Checkmark svg KOHO processes tens of thousands of daily payment transfers between​ individuals via SMS and email, as well as batch payroll deposits​
  • Checkmark svg Delayed payments deterred new customers​
  • Checkmark svg Manual reviews and internal matching system was too complex to ​ maintain and returned too many errors​

The Solution

Fast and accurate matching increases customer satisfaction

Resolving Customer Challenges

Accurate fuzzy name matching halved manual review

  • Checkmark svg Match Identity delivers high accuracy and automates approval​
  • Checkmark svg Real-time and batch name matching averages 2-3 milliseconds​ and under 200 milliseconds globally ​
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