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Insights for Investigations

Accelerating Investigations from Months to Minutes

Private Intelligence Listing - Success Stories
The Impact
Buyers detected, instantly expanding the investigation
Efficiency improvement in identifying narcotics web, from 3 months to 3 minutes
Laser Focused
“[Insights] allows us to optimize our investigations into specific windows of time and is providing significantly more than our other AdTech platforms.”

Customer Challenge

Expanding drug investigation from one data point

A Man standing in Hoodie under Blue Light
Understanding the Threat

Tracking network of known drug dealer

  • Checkmark svg Private intelligence firm working in government and commercial sector
  • Checkmark svg Investigation targeting illegal narcotic sales in the US
  • Checkmark svg Goal was to determine the extent of a known dealer's network

The Solution

Location intelligence accelerates investigation

Resolving Customer Challenges

Huge increase of leads from drug sales location

  • Checkmark svg Insights mapped geolocation polygons around known drug sales location
  • Checkmark svg Pinpointed specific day and time of narcotic sales
  • Checkmark svg Locate the web of distribution for the dealer
Small Part Of Earth Map with Geo-Location Pin Icon
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