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Analyze Language

Boost Global Reach with Language Recognition

Government and commercial organizations depend on Rosette Analyze Language to deliver accurate language recognition and linguistic capabilities that enable worldwide operations.

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What Sets Us Apart

Unmatched language identification and analysis

Analyze Language provides accurate and comprehensive linguistic analysis, improves search and retrieval, and ensures consistent quality results.

Multi lingual Detect Multiple Languages/Regions

Expand your domestic reach to a global level with the ability to detect multiple languages, plus which language is dominant and in which geographical region.

Multi lingual Identify Languages in as Little as Three Words

Detect and identify different languages using only a few words – vital for short texts, captions, or social media.

Multi lingual Proprietary Techniques That Solve NLP Challenges

Commitment to research and continuous improvement of NLP techniques that use advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence.

Multi lingual Built-in, Customizable Dictionaries

Built-in multilingual dictionaries for superior natural language processing of word forms, lemmas, part-of-speech tags, and more.

Multi lingual Consistent Quality Language Analysis

Dependable and accurate language analysis through a combination of linguistic expertise, data-driven approaches, and rigorous testing.

Multi lingual Unique Language-specific Capabilities

Specialized NLP techniques that identify and analyze complex languages like Arabic and Chinese.

How can we help you analyze language?

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Product Features

Unlock insights with precise linguistic analysis

Analyze Language components help you extract insights, triage data, and conduct multilingual search. The components provide accurate and comprehensive linguistic analysis of text data, enabling a deeper understanding of its structure and meaning by adding text enrichment to identify words, sentences, lemmas, parts of speech, and more.

Global Language Recognition

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Rosette Language Identifier is a powerful component that accurately identifies languages and text encoding for correct analysis. Whether detecting language boundaries in multilingual documents or identifying the language of short texts, Language Identifier is vital for understanding and unlocking the full potential of multilingual data. 

Multilingual Analysis of Words and Sentences

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Rosette Base Linguistics is a comprehensive suite of linguistic analysis tools supporting multiple languages. It uses machine learning algorithms and NLP techniques to analyze text, with capabilities such as morphological analysis, tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, lemmatization, and more.
A person is using a laptop with a lot of icons on it
A person is using a laptop with a lot of icons on it
A person is using a laptop with a lot of icons on it

Top Reasons Customers Choose Rosette

  • Checkmark svg Depth and breadth of global languages
  • Checkmark svg Flexible full stack or add-on solution, including air-gapped systems
  • Checkmark svg Specialization in identity
  • Checkmark svg Unique machine learning and AI
A man standing in front of several monitors
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How will you use Rosette Analyze Language?

Discuss your language recognition and analysis requirements with one of our experts.

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